Haiyang Jin

New York University Abu Dhabi 
"Haiyang Jin"
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Yu-Hao P. Sun grad student 2012-2015 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Zhe Wang grad student 2012-2015 Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Paul Michael Corballis grad student 2015-2020
William G. Hayward grad student 2015-2020
Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf grad student 2015-2020
Olivia S. Cheung post-doc
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Jin H, Ji L, Cheung OS, et al. (2024) Facilitation and interference are asymmetric in holistic face processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Wang Z, Wu T, Zhang W, et al. (2023) High familiar faces have both eye recognition and holistic processing advantages. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 85: 2296-2306
Wang Z, Ni H, Zhou X, et al. (2023) Looking at the upper facial half enlarges the range of holistic face processing. Scientific Reports. 13: 2419
Jin H, Hayward WG, Corballis PM. (2022) All-or-none neural mechanisms underlying face categorization: evidence from the N170. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Jin H, Oxner M, Corballis PM, et al. (2021) Holistic face processing is influenced by non-conscious visual information. British Journal of Psychology (London, England : 1953)
Wang Z, Quinn PC, Jin H, et al. (2018) A Regional Composite-Face Effect for Species-Specific Recognition: Upper and Lower Halves Play Different Roles in Holistic Processing of Monkey Faces. Vision Research
Sun YH, Quinn PC, Wang Z, et al. (2013) Face contour is crucial to the fat face illusion. Perception. 42: 488-94
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