Maja Trenner, Ph.D.

"Maja Trenner"
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Fasold O, Heinau J, Trenner MU, et al. (2008) Proprioceptive head posture-related processing in human polysensory cortical areas. Neuroimage. 40: 1232-42
Trenner MU, Heekeren HR, Bauer M, et al. (2008) What happens in between? Human oscillatory brain activity related to crossmodal spatial cueing. Plos One. 3: e1467
Trenner MU, Fahle M, Fasold O, et al. (2008) Human cortical areas involved in sustaining perceptual stability during smooth pursuit eye movements. Human Brain Mapping. 29: 300-11
Trenner M, Schubert R, Heekeren H, et al. (2008) BOLD-signal changes in human visual cortex related to the fading of learned somatosensory-visual associations Klinische Neurophysiologie. 39
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