carlos acuna

universidade de santiago de compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain 
visual system, vision
"carlos acuna"
Mean distance: 12.98 (cluster 17)
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Pardo-Vazquez JL, Acuña C. (2018) Using experience to improve: how errors shape behavior and brain activity in monkeys. Peerj. 6: e5395
Padrón I, Fernández-Rey J, Acuña C, et al. (2016) Representing the consequences of our actions trial by trial: Complex and flexible encoding of feedback valence and magnitude. Neuroscience
Martinez-Garcia M, Insabato A, Pannunzi M, et al. (2015) The Encoding of Decision Difficulty and Movement Time in the Primate Premotor Cortex. Plos Computational Biology. 11: e1004502
Pardo-Vazquez JL, Padrón I, Fernández-Rey J, et al. (2014) EEG activity represents the correctness of perceptual decisions trial-by-trial. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8: 105
Zhang Y, Pak C, Han Y, et al. (2013) Rapid single-step induction of functional neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Neuron. 78: 785-98
Pardo-Vazquez JL, Padron I, Fernandez-Rey J, et al. (2011) Decision-making in the ventral premotor cortex harbinger of action. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 5: 54
Faes C, Geys H, Molenberghs G, et al. (2008) A flexible method to measure synchrony in neuronal firing Journal of the American Statistical Association. 103: 149-161
Cadarso-Suarez C, Roca-Pardinas J, Molenberghs G, et al. (2006) Flexible modelling of neuron firing rates across different experimental conditions: an application to neural activity in the prefrontal cortex during a discrimination task Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). 55: 431-447
Vázquez P, Cano M, Acuña C. (2000) Discrimination of line orientation in humans and monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology. 83: 2639-48
Mountcastle VB, Lynch JC, Georgopoulos A, et al. (1975) Posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey: command functions for operations within extrapersonal space. Journal of Neurophysiology. 38: 871-908
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