Danupon Nanongkai, Ph.D.

2011 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics
"Danupon Nanongkai"


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Richard Lipton grad student 2011 Georgia Tech
 (Graph and geometric algorithms on distributed networks and databases.)


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Thatchaphol Saranurak grad student 2015-2018 (Neurotree)
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Nanongkai D, Scquizzato M. (2022) Equivalence classes and conditional hardness in massively parallel computations. Distributed Computing. 35: 165-183
Bansal N, Chalermsook P, Laekhanukit B, et al. (2019) New Tools and Connections for Exponential-Time Approximation. Algorithmica. 81: 3993-4009
Bhattacharya S, Henzinger M, Nanongkai D. (2016) New deterministic approximation algorithms for fully dynamic matching Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of Computing. 19: 398-411
Henzinger M, Krinninger S, Nanongkai D. (2016) A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of Computing. 19: 489-498
Bhattacharya S, Henzinger M, Nanongkai D, et al. (2015) Space- and time-efficient algorithm for maintaining dense subgraphs on one-pass dynamic streams Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Theory of Computing. 14: 173-182
Klauck H, Nanongkai D, Pandurangan G, et al. (2015) Distributed computation of large-scale graph problems Proceedings of the Annual Acm-Siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms. 2015: 391-410
Henzinger M, Krinninger S, Nanongkai D. (2014) Decremental single-source shortest paths on undirected graphs in near-linear total update time Proceedings - Annual Ieee Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science, Focs. 146-155
Nanongkai D. (2014) Brief announcement: Almost-tight approximation distributed algorithm for minimum cut Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Principles of Distributed Computing. 382-384
Elkin M, Klauck H, Nanongkai D, et al. (2014) Can quantum communication speed up distributed computation? Proceedings of the Annual Acm Symposium On Principles of Distributed Computing. 166-175
Fakcharoenphol J, Laekhanukit B, Nanongkai D. (2014) Faster algorithms for semi-matching problems Acm Transactions On Algorithms. 10
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