Amelia V. Hesketh

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
"Amelia Hesketh"
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Zhong KX, Chan AM, Collicutt B, et al. (2024) The prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiome of Pacific oyster spat is shaped by ocean warming but not acidification. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. e0005224
Hesketh AV, Harley CDG. (2022) Extreme heatwave drives topography-dependent patterns of mortality in a bed-forming intertidal barnacle, with implications for associated community structure. Global Change Biology
Hesketh AV, Schwindt E, Harley CDG. (2021) Ecological and environmental context shape the differential effects of a facilitator in its native and invaded ranges. Ecology. e03478
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