Paul E. Morse, Ph.D.

2017- Evolutionary Anthropology Duke University, Durham, NC 
primate evolution, vertebrate paleontology, dietary ecology, dental topography
"Paul Morse"


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Jonathan I. Bloch grad student 2010-2018 UF Gainesville
Richard F. Kay post-doc 2017- Duke (Primatology Tree)
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Morse PE, Pampush JD, Kay RF. (2023) Dental topography of the Oligocene anthropoids Aegyptopithecus zeuxis and Apidium phiomense: Paleodietary insights from analysis of wear series. Journal of Human Evolution. 180: 103387
White CL, Bloch JI, Morse PE, et al. (2023) Virtual endocast of late Paleocene Niptomomys (Microsyopidae, Euarchonta) and early primate brain evolution. Journal of Human Evolution. 175: 103303
Li P, Morse PE, Kay RF. (2020) Dental topographic change with macrowear and dietary inference in Homunculus patagonicus. Journal of Human Evolution. 144: 102786
Fannin LD, Guatelli-Steinberg D, Geissler E, et al. (2020) Enamel chipping in Taï Forest cercopithecids: Implications for diet reconstruction in paleoanthropological contexts. Journal of Human Evolution. 141: 102742
Morse PE, Chester SGB, Boyer DM, et al. (2018) New fossils, systematics, and biogeography of the oldest known crown primate Teilhardina from the earliest Eocene of Asia, Europe, and North America. Journal of Human Evolution
Boyer DM, Maiolino SA, Holroyd PA, et al. (2018) Oldest evidence for grooming claws in euprimates. Journal of Human Evolution
Pampush JD, Spradley JP, Morse PE, et al. (2018) Adaptive wear-based changes in dental topography associated with atelid (Mammalia: Primates) diets Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 124: 584-606
Spradley JP, Pampush JD, Morse PE, et al. (2017) Smooth operator: The effects of different 3D mesh retriangulation protocols on the computation of Dirichlet normal energy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Pampush JD, Spradley JP, Morse PE, et al. (2016) Wear and its effects on dental topography measures in howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Baczynski AA, McInerney FA, Wing SL, et al. (2016) Distortion of carbon isotope excursion in bulk soil organic matter during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 128: 1352-1366
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