David M. Lodge

University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States 
"David Lodge"


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Charles C.Y. Xu research assistant 2010-2014 Notre Dame (Evolution Tree)
Kara Andres grad student Cornell
Ashley (Baldrige) Elgin grad student Notre Dame
James Larson grad student Notre Dame
Lindsey (Sargent) Reisinger grad student Notre Dame
Sadie Rosenthal grad student Notre Dame
Romi L. Burks grad student 2000 Notre Dame
Adrienne J. Froelich grad student 2001 Notre Dame
Cynthia S. Kolar grad student 2002 Notre Dame
John M. Drake grad student 2004 Notre Dame
Reuben P. Keller grad student 2006 Notre Dame
Timothy A. Kreps grad student 2010 Notre Dame
John D. Rothlisberger grad student 2010 Notre Dame
Jody A. Peters grad student 2011 Notre Dame
Matthew A. Barnes grad student 2013 Notre Dame
Andrew M. Deines grad student 2013 Notre Dame
Jonathan Bossenbroek post-doc Notre Dame (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Kristy L. Deiner post-doc Notre Dame (Anatomy Tree)
Kevin L. Drury post-doc Notre Dame (Evolution Tree)
Erin Katherine Grey post-doc Notre Dame
Jennifer Howeth post-doc Notre Dame
Brian Leung post-doc Notre Dame
Andrew R. Mahon post-doc Central Michigan University
Carsten Nowak post-doc Notre Dame
Marguerite Xenopoulos post-doc Notre Dame
Christopher L Jerde post-doc 2008-2010 Notre Dame (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Darren Yeo research scientist Notre Dame
BETA: Related publications


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Lodge DM. (2023) Conservation in a litre of air. Molecular Ecology Resources
Andres KJ, Lodge DM, Andrés J. (2023) Environmental DNA reveals the genetic diversity and population structure of an invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2307345120
Andres KJ, Lodge DM, Sethi SA, et al. (2023) Detecting and analysing intraspecific genetic variation with eDNA: From population genetics to species abundance. Molecular Ecology
Andrés J, Czechowski P, Grey E, et al. (2023) Environment and shipping drive eDNA beta-diversity among commercial ports. Molecular Ecology
Szydlowski DK, Elgin AK, Lodge DM, et al. (2023) Long-term macrophyte and snail community responses to population declines of invasive rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus). Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e2818
Newcomb TJ, Simonin PW, Martinez FA, et al. (2021) A Best Practices Case Study for Scientific Collaboration between Researchers and Managers. Fisheries. 46: 131-138
Andres KJ, Sethi SA, Lodge DM, et al. (2021) Nuclear eDNA estimates population allele frequencies and abundance in experimental mesocosms and field samples. Molecular Ecology
Saebi M, Xu J, Curasi SR, et al. (2020) Network analysis of ballast-mediated species transfer reveals important introduction and dispersal patterns in the Arctic. Scientific Reports. 10: 19558
Saebi M, Xu J, Grey EK, et al. (2020) Higher-order patterns of aquatic species spread through the global shipping network. Plos One. 15: e0220353
McElroy ME, Dressler TL, Titcomb GC, et al. (2020) Calibrating Environmental DNA Metabarcoding to Conventional Surveys for Measuring Fish Species Richness Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8
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