Mimi A.R. Koehl

Integrative Biology University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
biomechanics, functional morphology, ecomechanics
"Mimi Koehl"
Cross-listing: Biomechanics Tree - BME Tree - PhycoTree


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Steve Vogel grad student Duke
Stephen A. Wainwright grad student Duke
John Currey post-doc University of York (Biomechanics Tree)
Richard  R. Strathmann post-doc
 (Friday Harbor Labs)


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Michael J. O'Donnell research assistant 1995-1998 UC Berkeley
Kristin L. Bishop research assistant 1998-2000 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Lance Davidson grad student (Biomechanics Tree)
Amy S. Johnson grad student Bowdoin College
Marlene Martinez grad student UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Suzanne E. Worcester grad student 1987-1994 UC Berkeley
Kimberly Johnson Quillin grad student 1993-1999 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Michael G. McCay grad student 2001 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Matt J. McHenry grad student 1997-2002 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Hannah Louise Stewart grad student 1999-2004 UC Berkeley
Michelangelo von Dassow grad student 2005 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Lindsay D. Waldrop grad student 2012 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
H Eve Robinson grad student 2013 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Kristina Mead post-doc UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Richard B. Emlet post-doc 1986-1989 UC Berkeley
Catherine Loudon post-doc 1990-1992 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)
Steven W. Moore post-doc 1993-1995 UC Berkeley
Matthew  A. Reidenbach post-doc 2004-2007 UC Berkeley (Biomechanics Tree)


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Raymond Keller collaborator UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
Wendy K. Silk collaborator UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree)
A. Richard Palmer collaborator 1981-1981 University of Alberta
BETA: Related publications


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Burnett NP, Koehl M. (2017) Pneumatocysts provide buoyancy with minimal effect on drag for kelp in wave-driven flow Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 497: 1-10
Waldrop LD, Koehl MA. (2016) Do terrestrial hermit crabs sniff? Air flow and odorant capture by flicking antennules. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society. 13
Waldrop LD, Reidenbach MA, Koehl MA. (2015) Flexibility of Crab Chemosensory Sensilla Enables Flicking Antennules to Sniff. The Biological Bulletin. 229: 185-98
Full RJ, Dudley R, Koehl MA, et al. (2015) Interdisciplinary Laboratory Course Facilitating Knowledge Integration, Mutualistic Teaming, and Original Discovery. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55: 912-25
Koehl MA, Cooper T. (2015) Swimming in an Unsteady World. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55: 683-97
Waldrop LD, Hann M, Henry AK, et al. (2015) Ontogenetic changes in the olfactory antennules of the shore crab, Hemigrapsus oregonensis, maintain sniffing function during growth. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society. 12: 20141077
Robinson HE, Finelli CM, Koehl MA. (2013) Interactions between benthic predators and zooplanktonic prey are affected by turbulent waves. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53: 810-20
Roper M, Dayel MJ, Pepper RE, et al. (2013) Cooperatively generated stresslet flows supply fresh fluid to multicellular choanoflagellate colonies. Physical Review Letters. 110: 228104
Schuech R, Stacey MT, Barad MF, et al. (2012) Numerical simulations of odorant detection by biologically inspired sensor arrays. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 7: 016001
Koehl MA, Evangelista D, Yang K. (2011) Using physical models to study the gliding performance of extinct animals. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51: 1002-18
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