University of Missouri-Kansas City

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Leslie Brian Essel DPPS20182024 Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Scott Foy Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Jessica Kawakami School of Pharmacy DPPS20172022 Gerald J. Wyckoff (post-doc)
Floyd L. "Lee" Likins Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Abhirup MandalDrug Delivery, Formulation and product development, Bioengineering, Ophthalmics Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences20132018 Ashim K. Mitra (grad student)
Neil Andrew Miller DBHI20182022 Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Purva Patel DBHI, School of Medicine20182021 Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Ubadah Sabbaghmolecular neurobiology, development, synapses, thalamocortical circuits Molecular Biology and Biochemistry20132015 Gerald J. Wyckoff (research scientist)
Sadia Sikder School of Pharmacy, DPPS20182021 Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Andrew Skaff Molecular Biology and Biochemistry20162021 Gerald J. Wyckoff (post-doc)
Jason Wilson Dept. of Biomedical and Health Informatics20172019 Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)
Gerald J. WyckoffEvolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics
Ming Yang Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Gerald J. Wyckoff (grad student)